We’re all human… which means we all have our biases, so many of these unconscious. We might have the best intentions but there’s just that natural tendency to jump to conclusions / thoughts based on mental shortcuts and subconscious associations.
We’re rarely challenged on these biases in our day to day lives but when it comes to recruiting it becomes critical that we are. We need to understand why we might think in a certain way and discuss / challenge these thoughts, or create an environment where these biases don’t come into play.
But why’s this important?
UK studies suggest that individuals from under represented backgrounds need to send 60% more job applications to secure a role. There’s also a ‘subversion tax’ that women pay when applying for roles typically more associated with men.
So what do Executives In Sport Group do to counter these issues?
We have a variety of ways to help level the playing field for individuals looking to work in sport, from traditionally under-represented backgrounds. These include mentoring programmes and L&D / training for our clients. This helps highlight their personal biases in order to build equitable and inclusive hiring processes.
But today we’d like to talk about how anonymised recruitment processes are helping some of sport’s leading teams, governing bodies and federations to identify top talent and win!
So what is Anonymous Recruitment?
Anonymous (sometimes known as blind recruitment) means excluding certain information from hiring decisions, so as not to compromise impartiality. This information can include someone’s age, ethnicity, and gender, or their education. It leverages a skills-based methodology, and builds transparency and analytics into every step of the process.
And the benefits:
- Up to 4x increase in ethnic diversity of candidates
- Find 3x as many suitable candidates for roles
- 66% reduction in time spent hiring
- 93% retention rate after one year
- 9/10 candidate experience rating
How the Anonymous process works
Our eight-step process is powered by skilled recruitment professionals, client collaboration, and use of an industry leading platform (Applied) which automates and adds ease to the entire process.
STEP 1 – Attract
Using inclusive language, we’ll remove unconscious bias triggers from job adverts and job descriptions, such as gender, age, and unnecessary educational qualifications.
STEP 2 – Reach
To get to a wider audience we’ll share the opportunity across a diverse range of job boards, communities, and networks, including our own.
STEP 3 – Define
Together we will agree four skills-based questions and take time to understand any necessary eligibility requirements such as a certificate to practise. This forms the application journey. Then, to fairly score each candidate, with your input we will produce a competency matrix.
STEP 4 – Measure
Responses are received via the Applied portal and the following processes are applied:
- Blinding – the removal of all non-relevant and personal information
- Chunking – comparing all answers together, not candidates this removes the halo effect
- Randomisation – switching up the order in which answers appear
Three experienced team members then review all applications independently and average their scores to build a candidate leader board.
STEP 5 – Verify
Our team of experts will make contact with candidates to qualify interest in the role, check salary expectations, location, and where role specific skills and qualifications are required, we will dig a little deeper. We will then present you with a short list of candidates.
STEP 6 – Interview
We can be as involved as you would like us to be in the interview stage – arranging interviews, keeping you on track with structured interviews, creating imaginative skill-based questions, ensuring fairness throughout the process. One thing is a given, the best results will come from a diverse panel.
STEP 7 – Follow Up
We facilitate the entire process for you, from making the formal offer and overseeing their resignation, to managing any counter offers and finalising the terms and conditions of their compensation and employment contract. We will also conduct relevant background checks on your behalf and obtain references from external parties. Candidates will receive automated, tangible and personalised feedback.
STEP 8 – Review
Throughout the process we can provide live data insights across all aspects of diversity. We will check in with you and the successful candidate at prearranged dates to ensure things are running smoothly.
If you would like to know more about Anonymous Recruitment reach out to Laura on 020 3657 4574, or email laura@eisg.com